I just watched a video of a man rescuing a cat from the city river. Somehow the cat got stuck inside the canal. I imagine it was raining heavily and suddenly, because there was a small cement outlay inside the river bank walls and that is where it found the ground to stay. The cat looked dry. That is why I imagine the river got bigger quietly. Or maybe the cat was just standing there for a long time and got dry.
A man saw it and got the pool net to catch her. He extended the pool net towards the cat. The cat jumped into the water terrified of the net. It sensed danger. The net scared the cat. Understandably so. Imagine you cat-sized hiding inside the canal, water level rising, you know each minute its gonna get to you. Then as sudden as the misfortune you found yourself in, a long rod with the net twice your size attached to it appears from the above and starts approaching you. You never expect things to come at you from the sky. You are used to things coming out of the ground (flowers, ants, trees, zombies, etc.) but sky... Its peculiar. So of course, you as a cat got scared.
The cat got so scared and jumped into the water and started swimming the opposite direction. It had such a terrified look on its face! There was so much fear inside these green eyes. Green almost as the water around it. The water was also oily, I noticed. There were some dark circles inside of it. Like when you add balsamic vinegar to the olive oil. Which reminds me of my time in London, where I learned that if you add a baguette to the duo it makes a starter in fancy restaurants. My ex' sister said it was an "acquired taste" after I complained of how dumb it was. Now I kinda like that combination. Have I turned into a snob or have I acquired some taste? Or was I just simply being arrogant back then? Now I imagined throwing baguettes into the river. But it made me uncomfortable, not for the reasons you think it would. But because the scenery seemed italian to me and baguettes are french. Its clashing. I strayed off topic.
The cat suddenly turned around and swam the other direction. The man was still standing where he was before. He extended the rod again to the cat, who panickly turned around once more, escaping as if it were a dog. Maybe the three-letter thing confused her. Cats dont know semantics. It ran away for a a bit, and turned around to the man again. The man extended the rod for the third time. It finally caught the upper body of the cat. But the cat jumped out! Again! At this point I found myself yelling at my phone "you stupid cat, just get inside for fucks' sake"! But it didnt hear me. even if it did hear me, I know it would not make a difference. This already happened.
The fourth time was finally a success! The man got the cat and pulled so quickly, that it had no choice but to stay inside. As he got the rod out and placed it on the street, the cat, frantically as ever, made a dramatic run. Never to look back.
I never liked cats. I dont trust them.
They say you always dislike things in other which you dislike about yourself.
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