Four million pigs.

Almost one million cows.

Around 202 million chickens. 



Lets not use such big numbers. I find when we talk in such large numbers, things seem abstract. Lets break it down to our level.


One day has 24h. One hour has 60 minutes. That makes 1440 minutes a day. That takes us to:

2.777 pigs per minute.

677 cows per minute.

140.278 chickens per minute.


Wanna break it down some more? Lets!

One minute has 60 second. That takes us to:

46.28333333333 pigs per second.

11.28333333333 cows per second.

2337.966666667 chickens per second.

Lets put this realistically now:

It takes the light 8 seconds to reach Earth. By the time you sense the sunlight on your skin, there have already been 370.2666666666 pigs, 90.26666666664 cows and 18.703,73333323 chickens slaughtered.

Not only have 370 pigs been killed by the time you get your first touch of vitamin D or even make the first blink on that murky Monday before going to work, there was still .2666666666 seconds left to kill 1 whole pig and 38% of the second pig.


If you dont want to blink, they say, just keep your eyes closed. Seems reasonable, right? I think we all at some point tried to see how long we can keep our eyes open. Not long. 

Keep them closed so they dont hurt.





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