When you experience the "last time", you never think of the "first times" that come after. Yes, last times suck, and I dont know if its worse to be aware of them or not. When you are aware of them you cherish them, and its hard to let go. But when you are not aware of them, it evades you completely and things are left unsaid. But the last time doesnt stop there. 

After the last time, there come a bunch of first times. First time you wake up without a good morning text. First time you fall asleep alone. First time you watch a tv show on your own, put your lipstick on. Plan a vacation with someone else. Or no one for that matter. Listen to Pink Floyd for the first time after. First time you dress up but now there is no one there to faint over how pretty you look. Or your first time in McDonalds without them.

And suddenly you dont like this place anymore. You look around and everything is the same; same regular customer at this time of the day, same waitress as any other Friday. You get the same stupid meal and sit at the same stupid place you always do. Plug your charger and look around. To people around you, you are the same. Youre the same girl they see each Friday at noon, sitting in the same spot, at the same table, eating her fries with too much ketchup next to it (just in case), and holding her phone in her hands. They dont know. They dont know that you hate this place now and that thats exactly why you come here. 

They dont know. It feels like someone should know.


Pink Floyd should know


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