It Smells Like Hospital in Here

she mutters as she enters.
"Seems fitting", I think,
"Enter, yee repenter!"

This is the hospital, mother,
I hear myself reply.
She says "why".

It is the sick that come here
To get better or to die.
In any case, a place for "goodbye".

Only the beaten, the down-trodden,
The hopeless and contagious
Find their abode.

But the beaten, the down-trodden,
The hopeless and contagious
That find their abode,
They also eventually leave.
Once they remode.

And you cannot blame the sick
For leaving a sick place.
But I often wonder, why we talk about
Hospitals in such disgrace.

But they smell of disease
And everyone is sick.
Of course no one wants to stay,
The disease will stick.

But this is also the place
Where babies are born,
The place where the sick
Finds solace to reform.
This is also the place
With the most candid of laughter,
Where often darkness is defeated
And light lingers thereafter.
A place where your insides
Get cut and open on the table,
And the hands of someones daughter,
Or someones son, puts them together,
Proper and stable.
It is the place of hugs so warm,
Tears so salty and bones so cold,
Hearts broken and hearts rebuilt,
Hearts blue or put on hold.

I dont care, says mother to me,
It scares me deep,
It gives me the creeps
I dont like to keep.

Its okay, I say, no need to run.
What I neglected to say is;
I am the place where life is spun;
A hospital - but not the one.


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